Hello my name is Angga Illryda number three.from sains seven, eighteen.  I will tell you about my two sweet rabbits.  Once upon a time, there lived a little rabbit in a hole in the mound behind my house. The little rabbit was named black. He lived alone there.  Day after day he passed alone without the presence of any friend.  The black feels lonely every day.  He did not want to walk far and leave his residence because he was afraid that if he walked far away from his own residence, he only dared to walk out around the park to look for food.

 One afternoon when black was engrossed in a park, he suddenly met another rabbit who was crying.  Black is surprised to see a rabbit there.  Then, the black man approached the rabbit and asked what his name was.  The name of the rabbit is chocolate, "Hai chocolate, what are you doing here? Do you need help? Then why are you crying?"

 "Huhuhu ... I am lost, I don't know the way to where I live ..." said the chocolate while crying.  Black was surprised.  The black one said, "How come you're lost chocolate?" Chocolate answered, "I don't know, while walking in this park I saw carrots near me, then I approached to interpret it until I got lost like this."  black feels sorry for the chocolate story, but in addition to that compassion black feels happy because he can meet new friends.
 "What should I do, chocolate?" Asked black.  Black is also confused by the situation that chocolate is experiencing.  Black is eager to help chocolate to find its way back to where it lives but black actually does not want to part with chocolate because black has not met other animals for a long time.  If black helps brown.  then black will feel lonely again if black leaves brown.

 Black thought that he would help an elephant find a way home on the condition that chocolate must be willing to stay and accompany him for some time.  Black also said, "Hhmm ... How do I, I'm also confused chocolate, how do you get back home. What if you rest in my place for a while and then I'll help you find your way home?".

 Chocolate received input from the black one.

 "All right, I'll stay with you for some time and you promise to help you find your way home. But how can I get into your house while you live in a small hole and my body is bigger than you?" Asked Chocolate.  The black one answered, "Oh yeah, I forgot I lived in a small hole".  "Then what?", Said brown

 Finally black found a way so they could live together.  Black invites chocolate to his house without first telling him how to get chocolate to live there.  "Come with me, chocolate!", Exclaimed black while walking towards his house.  "Where are we going, black?", Said brown.  "Already .. Just come, chocolate", said black.
 Black and brown arrived at the black house, precisely in the little black hole.  "Where is this? Is that your house?", Asked Brown, pointing to a hole.  Black answered, "Yes, you are absolutely right, chocolate. That's my house, I live there".  Chocolate is even more confused about black because the question that has not been answered by black coupled with chocolate seeing the black house "If it's your house then where will I live?", Said chocolate.

 "Did you see the shady tree next to the pit of my house?" Asked black, pointing at the tree next to the pit.  Chocolate answered, "Yes, why do I see it?"  "You will sleep under the shade tree, while I sleep in the hole next to it, how?", Said black.  Chocolate was confused and felt unsure if he slept for some time under the shade tree.

 "Are you sure I will sleep under that tree? I'm afraid someone will bother me while I'm sleeping," Brown asked, looking left and right.  "Nobody will bother you here, there is no one here except me, so don't be afraid. If there is anything just call my name, actually we live opposite, but I live in a hole while you are under a tree  shady ", said black.  Chocolate answered, "Alright black, thank you for helping me. Finally, black and brown are friends.


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